

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Where is my life going?..... Where does my life's purpose dwell?

Dream, think and live positively...
When most of us are unclear about our purposes at workplace, it clearly reflects that most of us have not given a profound thought about the purpose of life. If at all a purpose exists, it is most of the times stuck in a desire battle.

One strong reason why we all go to work is simply money. “I need money to provide my family”, “I need money to buy a car or a flat”, “I need money for future security”, “I need money to travel” etc. These can be categorized under reasons for which we may be motivated to work. Let us categorize this under “needs” or “pleasure” (a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment). Most of us have our purposes rooted in “pleasure” category.

While we have our purpose rooted in this, achievement or happiness is temporary in nature. Our focus keeps moving from one object to another, one desire to another. This has a direct impact on our personality, thoughts and emotions. We will experience a high degree of fluctuations in our emotions and lack of focus in our thoughts, leading us to feel dissatisfied or incomplete.

Some people chase a meaningful life, you can even call them as people who chase their passion. A meaningful life means everything for them, we can categorize this under “meaningful” purpose. These are the ones who know what is important to them and pursue their passions. A “meaningful” purpose is broader than “pleasure” purpose. It could be a scientist, inventor, researchers, singer, player or even the project manager across the cubicle who is passionate about what he/she is doing. A person with a meaningful purpose is culturally conditioned (self or otherwise) through which a personal desire is formed.

A very few hold to their inner values towards supporting others. They possess firmly established principles and believe that it is their duty to serve others. These are the people who have achieved the sense of a natural order, they find their happiness and achievement in bringing their principles to life. Their characteristics, order and principles are different to one another. We can put them under the “natural order” category, examples would include leaders, those working purely for social/environment causes etc.

Rarest of them are the ones with the purpose of a pure “freedom”. People who have their purpose rooted into finding the truth beyond truth. The search is towards finding supreme knowledge and bliss. The purpose is achieved through achieving victory over all other purposes. People who fall under this category are generally unaffected by intermediate or partial accomplishments. This is the toughest of all the purposes to achieve.

Awareness helps structure thoughts, monitor and guide the thoughts towards the right purpose. Being aware of the four forms of purposes of humankind will lead one in the right direction. Be realistic in evaluating self and the most applicable category. Post evaluation, focus on the purpose that gives immense satisfaction and happiness. “Freedom” category is at the top of the pyramid, while “pleasure” at the bottom. Constant audit of thoughts and the purpose throws light on life’s progress, ensure upward transition to sense the elevation in happiness.

Practicing these tenets will bring you closer to your purpose.
  1. Be persistent, ensure a constant momentum towards your definite purpose. Take small steps but make sure there is continuity. Audit self and efforts from time to time.
  2. Give to want, what you give has a direct or indirect effect on what you will receive. So ensure that your efforts are honest and truthful towards what you want to receive.
  3. Be responsible, the results may always not be as what you have expected, introspect your failures, learn and excel. Focus on duties rather than results.
  4. Surround with right people, have the right set of people around you that will enable you achieve your purpose, educate your loved ones what you intend to do with your life, ensure you have a guide or mentor in the area that you want to excel.
  5. There is nothing to lose, this is so true, we do not have anything to lose, yet we fear everything. It is what you do matters and not what you have.
Knowing self ignites everything, being aware of where we are heading and how will put us on the right track.

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